Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Google announces Chrome OS

Google made an announcement we've been expecting for quiet some time now. They will be releasing their own operating system. It is called Chrome OS according to the official Google blog post, but I wouldn't be surprised if they release it under a more attractive market name.

The architecture is pretty simple: Google Chrome web browser running in a lightweight window manager on a Linux kernel. Both x86 and ARM architectures should be supported and the whole thing will be released as open source.

This step is consistent with Google's long term strategy of making the web the new platform and thus making current operating systems irrelevant. The Chrome version for major desktop systems such as Windows or Linux makes a smooth transition from classic operating systems to web based systems possible.

According to Google the Chrome OS is aimed primarily at netbooks but I'm sure this is just yet another step in their long term plans and many other strategic products for the desktop-to-web transition will follow.

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