Tuesday, March 30, 2010

And Another Thing...

... this is also one of the things that kept me busy lately.

I was a bit skeptical when bought this book. I was afraid that it would be just a cheap imitation of the previous books by Douglas Adams.
I have to admit that I was very surprised when I finished it. In a positive way! While it is clearly not a book from Douglas Adams it fits in the Hitchhiker series quiet nicely!

This book is a must-have for all the Hitchhiker fans around the world who still refuse to accept that Douglas is dead.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What's keeping me busy

Yes, I am still alive and yes, I am back from Sweden (unfortunately). I know I haven't updated this blog for some time but ... <insert lame excuse here>

I've started experimenting with Python. Here's a screenshot of my new project:

It's a remote GUI for MPRIS-compatible media players (Amarok, VLC, Songbird, Dragonplayer and some others).

It uses WebKit as rendering engine and it will be fully skinnable with HTML/JavaScript.